An Announcement and an Apology
We have good news! But also, we've had technical difficulties.
First, the GOOD news: we were selected to present at National Council of Teachers of English national conference in Columbus, Ohio. We are so excited and hope that we will see some of you in person.
For Indiana listeners and readers, particularly those around Indianapolis, we will also be presenting at the Spark Conference at Franklin Central High School on June 8.
Now for the unfortunate news of the week. Due to technical difficulties out of our control, this week’s episode will be postponed until next Wednesday. We were so excited to present our last episode of season three to you, but we will still have it delivered to your ears before Lit Think celebrates its second birthday. Look for it next Wednesday.
Continue to share our episodes, blog posts, and our conference presentation news to your friends and colleagues. We are so thankful for this community and all of the support you have shown us over the past two years.
Keep on Lit Thinking, people.
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